Studio Jewellery


Studio jewellery intents to communicate ideas, feelings or to present creative design, while industrial jewellery main aim is to achieve the most profitable producing procedures.

Creativity is the first step to produce a studio jewellery...

In each jewel there is a creative activity as well as the time spent to transform the concept idea to a 3D shape (including choosing the most adequate techniques to a particular peace of art). Many experimental techniques are used by the artist according to their creativity.

Watch this movie with the author making a slver ring



Difference between studio jewellery and industrial jewellery:

Industrial jewellery produces the same models many times (using the same working line) and presents the final product in jewelleries.

Studio jewels are made by authors that monitor the jewels manufacture from the beginning to the end, producing exclusive models or limited series and presenting their work in art galleries. Taking into account the energy spent in each jewel its easy to understand why they are signed by the artists.

Jewellery artists purpose is to communicate through art, not focusing on ergonomic or commerce.



Contacte: João Pereira de Melo * 96 260 68 55
Copyright © 2008
Última modificação: 27/04/21